Monday, June 22, 2009

Biggest Surprise Ever

Its been a week of big things happening for us, had the MIL’s 80th and knew all the family were coming from overseas and all over New Zealand to catch up with her (further pictures in the post below)
BUT……… last Monday evening just as we were going to have an early night (phew lucky we didn't) we had a knock on our door and nearly had a heart attack there and then – these two below were at our door and had come all the way from Australia to surprise their Dad…… who had not seen them in years…….. to say he's the happiest Dad in the world would be the biggest understatement of the year LOL……  Its been the best time and we have another week yet so expect a few photos to go up on the blog, I think there might be many tears when they head out on their plane next weekend (me included) its been awesome…….
Daniel and Amy with their Nana who cried buckets when she saw them for the first time in a very long time, was the perfect birthday present for her.

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I call this picture The Happiest Dad in the world……….
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Pictures of MIL’s 80th Birthday

Sorry to be away from the blog for so long, but the quilt I was making was for my MIL’s 80th birthday and I needed to spend every bit of time after work to get it finished in time. Below are some pictures of the finished quilt and of her opening the parcel at her birthday bash… not a great pic of the quilt as it was a very sunny day when I took it and it got washed out, will take some more of it on her bed when I go up and see her at the home.

Quilt finished and washed and dried in the dryer


This was a classic she opened the parcel and opened her mouth then closed the parcel up again LOL….in shock

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Parcel opened and quilt being held up to show everyone

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Me with MIL and the quilt, was bending way down here for the photo LOL as she was sitting in a wheelchair

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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Nearly an update to come LOL

Sorry everyone, been so busy at work the past few weeks and needing to work on the quilt in any spare time there has been little time to update the blog.

I have been to my monthly doll club meeting today though so look for some pictures tomorrow, also am nearly finished the quilt just need to do the hand sewing on the binding and all good to go. THEN.......... I shall continue with the faces and get those up for you and back into doll making...........