Friday, May 15, 2009

What got started last weekend

Well sorry girls, no doll face updates so far, have a sewing job I need to concentrate on for the next wee bit, a bit of pressure to get this done as a gift so am winging another quilt LOL.... nearly got the top finished just need to get the final borders on this weekend and then backing and wadding - phew...........fingers crossed I can get it to that stage so I can start the quilting as that takes me a bit of time indeed. Above is the progress so far.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Update on faces will be coming soon LOL

I am hoping to get some more pics of the faces nearly done over the weekend, I have sealed two of them so can continue on - just have to do some housework tomorrow...........ewwwwwwwwww nasty I know but then I have a couple of days to myself to craft (fingers crossed)....... I went to town today to get my mug shot taken for a passport as I am heading to Australia for a retreat in September so its all go from here on in. (Well in my head its a go, my body is still frozen in fear of those planes I kid you not, I shall be a blithering jelly boarding the plane)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pay it Forward

I was visiting my friend Pams  blog  today and noticed she had a "pay it forward"  going on there.  So in I went to make my comment LOL and now I am in the "game" so to speak.
Sooooooo  heres the rules girls and boys..........
is an act of kindness done with no expectation of anything in return but the hope that the recipient of the gift will continue the challenge.....
I start by promising to make and send (3) gifts for the first(3) FRIENDS who post a comment to this post....I hope you will promise to post the challenge announcement on your blogs and carry forth the promise to gift (3) friends with a gift each!

I will send out the (3) gifts within 365 days! You will not know when....please don't forget to leave your email so that I can answer your post! lol..

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Update on drawing faces

Ok so here we go again, hope I am not boring you lot with all this as I have taken a heap of photos today, below is the other two faces pencilled in and just the start of colouring them

SANY0549Below is the face I started in the previous posts, as you can see I have done a bit on both eyes now and also started shading the nose area, amazing what a bit of white dabbed here and there does to the dimension, starts to take it from flat to a 3D look, pencil used for that is a white pastel pencil very soft and easy to blend with. Also used an off flesh toned one on either side of the nose. The eyes on this one are a bit murky as I have played with them too much, but I will be spraying this later on with a fixative and then redoing some of the colours over the top again.


A bit more colour on this face and the one further below




Starting to put some colour on the lips



Now on one of the faces I am not happy with the iris placement so am going to attempt to fix it, in the below pictures the iris on the left is places way to far inside the outline of the eye so I am using a white gel pen to try and blot it out and then once its dry (this will take a few applications) I will try and get some more green over the top and then make the iris line further out – fingers crossed it works

the below pictures the iris on the left is places way to far inside the outline of the eye so I am using a white gel pen to try and blot it out and then once its dry (this will take a few applications) I will try and get some more green over the top and then make the iris line further out – fingers crossed it works

First layer laid down and its very see through, just let it dry and then in the next picture pop a bit more over to start to make it disappear.

SANY0582 SANY0583

Friday, May 1, 2009

Smal Update no pics

Just sending this by email, so convenient to be able to do this on the fly, well lets hope so when this hits the blog.

Just finished stuffing the other two faces which I will take to my doll club tomorrow and carry on with the faces, so there should be quite a lot of pictures to go up on Sunday ( all going well)

Now just another tip I thought of to tell you all as I was stuffing these flat heads. The trick to getting a nice smooth finish on the edges is to spritz them with water as you stuff them - (because I had drawn the face on already I just spritzed the back of the head and not the front) you can even run an iron (hot of course) over the seam line to help dry it if you want and this then contracts the cotton back on the stuffing. Before doing that take your sewing needle and pop it into the face just a wee bit from the seam and then pull the stuffing forward with your needle until its all nicely sitting in the chin or face edge. - you can do this from the back, although if you make little holes in the cotton with your needle doing this, just run your fingernail over the wee hole and it will disapear- Last tip, DONT over stuff these flat heads they just need enough to fill them out not make them hard as rocks........I roll them with my hand as well once stuffed to distrubute the stuffing about and get them all nicely shaped.

Hope these tips help someone............